This textbook on Purposive Communication is designed to address the learning needs of local and international students in the Philippines in today's digital age. It upholds the tenets of Education in a Multilingual World advocated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and it follows the principles of Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) espoused by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). As such, the themes promote cultural and linguistic diversity while the lessons include challenging tasks that enhance students' critical thinking, listening, speaking, reading, writing, and viewing skills.
This textbook also recognizes that English has spread across the globe and that it has become a lingua franca which many speakers in the country and around the world use for specific aims in varying contexts. Effective communication in English entails the strategic use of multimodal resources including visual and electronic devices. It also requires the ability to choose the appropriate language register for an intended audience. Therefore, this textbook offers the following chapters that contextualize the learning of tertiary level students in a multilingual setting which require keen language awareness and intercultural competence. By engaging with the texts and activities in these chapters, learners may be more equipped to achieve their academic and professional goals.
- Communicating Effectively in a Multicultural World
- Understanding Communication in the Digital Age
- Exploring Tools for Local and Global Communication
- Communicating Strategically for Various Purposes
- Developing Materials for the Workplace
- Designing Tools for Academic Papers